How to uninstall programs with Revo Uninstaller?
There are two ways to uninstall programs with Revo Uninstaller:
Important: Please, try to close the application you want to uninstall first!
Select the application in the list of installed applications and press the "Uninstall" button in the toolbar, or right-click the application and click the "Uninstall" command in the displayed menu. Revo Uninstaller will show an uninstall wizard, which will give you 4 options to choose from:
Built-in uninstall mode - run only the application's uninstaller without any additional scanning
Safe uninstall mode - includes the Built-in mode and performs additional scans in the Registry and on the hard drive to find leftover items that are safe to delete. This is the fastest mode.
Moderate uninstall mode - includes the Safe mode and performs an extended scan to find all of the application's leftover information in the most common places of the Registry and on the hard drive
Advanced uninstall mode - includes the Moderate mode and performs a deep and thorough scan to find all of the application's leftover information in the Registry and on the hard drive. This is the slowest mode.